Tuesday, October 28, 2008

David's Prayer

David was honored to pray at all four church services on Sunday! The sermon was about praying four wishes for your kids. At the end of the service, our pastor wanted to turn it around a little and have a child pray the same four things over all the church. David prayed that we would know God; hear and obey His voice; discover His purpose for our lives; and never grow bored with His church. He did a fantastic job and seemed very much at ease! I think his favorite parts were arriving early for sound check and rehearsal; hanging out back stage with the band; and getting to be on stage with Pastor Stu! It was a wonderful day!


Kimberly said...

OK. I have to say that this does not surprise me AT ALL!!! I will NEVER forget the prayer David did at mealtime when we visited several years ago. Even as such a young boy he seemed so comfortable expressing his heart. I was amazed then and I'm sure I'll continue to be amazed by him in the future! You must be so proud of him. Love, Kim

MeredithTeasley said...

Hey Becky! My blog is live now... and there are some pics from last Sunday! I LOVE Joseph's progress... makes me proud to have my own page full of different-colored "JOSEPH's"

Claire said...

How GREAT! I remember that prayer from David Kim is talking about too- so adorable! He is such a wonderful young man, I hope we get to see you guys again sooon!