Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School Starts!

Yesterday was a historic day for the Kings! All three children went to school! (For the first time in 10 years, I have almost three hours a day without a child or other people around me.) Of course, I cried when Rich and I dropped off "my baby"; but the children had a great day! I had dressed Caris and Joseph in cute first day outfits. Joseph went to the big kid bus stop and saw that his big brother and other boys had on jerseys so he HAD to change into his too! I'm so glad I have a girl! When completing Joseph's "All About Me" poster it was evident that he is a real character and we found out that when he grows up he wants to be "a pirate with a big sword" (just like Uncle Leland?!). David is now in 4th grade and changes classes. Caris is in 2nd grade and continues to be a little teacher in the making. Joseph went to Pre-School - a little apprehensively at first, but he had a great time once he was there. It seems we've been blessed with great teachers and great schools for which we are tremendously thankful!


Claire said...

Oh how sweet! I love your children! I'm so glad they are all enjoying their schools. What will you do with all that free time!? :)

Big Will said...

Wait till they start driving and having childern of thier own. Wow Grandparents. It is sweet.